Droid Informer is an intelligent advisor that helps you discover new apps more efficiently.
Main features:
- Personalized recommendations
- Best promo deals of the day on Android™ apps
- Top Apps: popular in your country and globally trending
- Latest Android™ related news & articles
- Editor's Selections: unique sets of apps to boost your workflow
- Search for apps with free apks
Droid Informer employs a form of artificial intelligence to provide you with personalized app recommendations. The list of recommendations you get depends on your installed apps, how you use and rate them, in addition to more complicated criteria; the more engaged you are, the better recommendations you get.
Always be up to speed on the popular apps: the Trending tab lists the globally trending apps, and the Local Top tab enumerates what's popular in your country.
In the Hot Offers section, you will find two types of deals: paid apps that have become free and limited-time offers that let you unlock paid in-app features for free.
The Editor's Selection tab is where you can check out editorial listings of the best apps that can help you with a certain task, like editing photos or booking hotels.
Besides providing a great way to discover new apps, Droid Informer keeps you up to date on the latest Android™ related news and articles, ranging from Android™ tips and useful system tweaks to upcoming game releases.
Droid Informer是一款智能顾问,可帮助您更有效地发现新应用。
- 个性化建议
- Android™应用当天最佳促销优惠
- 热门应用:在您的国家和全球趋势中流行
- 最新的Android™相关新闻和文章
- 编辑选择:独特的应用程序集,以提高您的工作流程
- 使用免费apks搜索应用程序
Droid Informer采用一种人工智能形式为您提供个性化的应用推荐。除了更复杂的标准之外,您获得的建议列表取决于您安装的应用程序,如何使用和评级。你的参与度越高,你得到的建议就越好。
除了提供发现新应用程序的绝佳方式外,Droid Informer还可让您及时了解最新的Android™相关新闻和文章,包括Android™提示和有用的系统调整,以及即将发布的游戏。